The kids and I "ran away" to the country for the weekend. We ate well, played well, and unloaded all our worries and stress. Seriously, being outside here makes me feel so close to God. I totally get it when people say that the outdoors, and being close to nature, makes them feel closer to their Maker. Yep, being here (and the beach) makes me get it.
Also, while you're praying for Madelyn, could you please just go ahead and pray for both my babies? The day after Mady's dental procedure, William has an appointment with a pediatric ENT. I noticed a few months ago that his tonsils are HUGE. I'm not even kidding...just to prove my point check this out:
The size of those bad boys, combined with his horrible night's sleep, hyper/bad behavior, and snoring, makes me thinks he has sleep apnea. I've already prepared myself that they'll probably want to get them out, and I'm actually OK with it. We've struggled with William and his horrible sleep habits for so long that I'm actually excited that he'll be able to get some rest- even if it means surgery. Now, William is terrified of going to the doctor for even a check up, so please pray that we'll have the wisdom to know how to handle this situation (if it, in fact, does prove to be what we think it is), and that he'll have peace. I'll keep y'all posted on both kids and let you know what we find out! Thank you, thank you!
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